субота, 20 серпня 2011 р.

Photos from gamescon (day 4) by DMP

RAWR! It's Saturday and there was already a large crowd when I arrived! WHOOPS. Surprise, surprise! @_@

Check out the crowd patiently waiting for the M5 vs OK.Nirvana.int match, which will start shortly! The crowd is actually about twice the size now!

пʼятниця, 19 серпня 2011 р.

Photos from gamescon (day 3) by DMP

Testing the gear. DUMDEEDUM!

Photos from gamescon (day 2) by DMP

Peace and serenity before the battles begin!

Photos from gamescon (day 1) by DMP

Scythe (Slightly more rested, since hyhy didn't get any sleep on the flight!)

Dota 2 - Артефакты

Dota 2 Gamescom Trailer